Welcome to our General Enquiry and Rights Request Form
Please use this form to submit any queries that you have in relation to our processing of your personal data. We will process any personal data that you provide in your request (together with any personal data that you subsequently give to us) in accordance with our privacy policy.
When you have submitted your request to us, you will be emailed an automated ticket number for your reference and your request will be assigned to a member of our data privacy team. You can quote this ticket number in any contact with us to help us find the information about your request.
If you are submitting a rights request (please see the relevant section in our privacy policy for more information if you are not sure), we may need to contact you again before exercising your request in order to confirm that you are who you say you are, or to confirm that you have authority to act on behalf of someone else. It may therefore be necessary to obtain more detailed information from you to comply with your request.