Please only use this form for queries related to your personal data (“Data Subject request”).

For support, technical assistance and other types of requests, please contact us through our contact form.


The information collected in this form is intended to enable the Data Protection Officer to respond to your Data Subject Request. This information will be kept and retained after the Data Subject Request has been treated for a period of (01) one year and then deleted.

In case your request is related to deletion, please note that this deletion request will apply to all data collected by the International Olympic Committee (IOC) and also to data related to your account for certain Organising Committees for the Olympic Games (OCOGs) websites/applications where you have registered.

User IOC Websites and/or Applications
Business Relationship
Prospective Employee
Participant in Olympic Games/Youth Olympic Games
Member of Olympic Movement Constituent
User of the IOC Integrity Hotline
Account deletion
Unsubscribe from Marketing Communications
Consent Withdrawal
Rectification of Data
Access Request
Data Deletion
Objection to Processing
Data Portability
Restrict Processing
Other Question: Contact Data Protection Officer
Enter the first name of the data subject
Enter the last name of the data subject
Enter email for correspondence with the data request.